Injured? RICE is out! PEACE & LOVE is in!

You may have heard of the acronym RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) which is how we used to treat acute injuries. But recent research has shown there is a better approach that will help speed your healing and prevent long term injury.


PEACE & LOVE is in!

Did you know that early treatment for sports injuries can speed up recovery time and get you back on your feet faster? Whether you’ve sprained an ankle, strained a muscle, or experienced joint pain, it’s important to seek professional help as soon as possible.

At Metrotown Orthopedic and Sports Physiotherapy, we offer extended hours 6am-8pm and Saturdays to help athletes be seen as soon as possible after an injury. Early intervention can help reduce swelling, speed up healing, and prevent long-term damage.

Our clinic offers:

  • Call our office if you see nothing online as we can often get you in within a day or two for acute injuries

  • Comprehensive assessments and treatment plans tailored to your needs

  • Cutting-edge techniques like manual therapy, dry needling, cryotherapy, and modalities for pain relief

  • Rehab programs that focus on restoring strength, mobility, and function including access to the blood flow resistance device to accelerate strengthening

Don’t wait for your injury to get worse. The sooner we assess and treat your injury, the sooner you’ll be back to doing what you love.

Follow this acronym after an injury: PEACE & LOVE

In the first 3 days follow PEACE

P: Protect. Avoid activities and movements that cause pain for the first 1-3 days after the injury. This may mean using crutches

E: Elevate. Elevate your injured area above your heart as much as you can during the day

A: Avoid anti-inflammatory medication. Avoid any medications that reduce inflammation in the first 3 days

C: Compression. Early compression with a tensor bandage or tape can help decrease unnecessary swelling, help with pain and make it easier to get back to your daily activities quicker. This should be done by a professional to nsure you still have good blow flow to the area of injury

E: Educate. Learn about how early activity modifications and exercises can help your recovery. Learn which treatments are best to rehabilitate your specific injury.

In the sub-acute stage after Day 3 LOVE should be used:

L: Load. Gradually increase weight bearing as tolerated and prescribed by your medical professional. Do not exacerbate pain.

O: Optimism. Remain optimistic about your recovery as negative emotions can be detrimental to optimal recovery.

V: Vascularization. Begin pain-free cardiovascular activity after your injury to improve mental health during rehabilitation, as well as improve revascularization of the injured area. This can include things like stationary cycling or water walking - see your physio for specific recommendations

E: Exercise: Restore range of motion, strength and proprioception of the injured area in order to get back to your normal activities and decrease your chance of re-injury. This needs to be guided by your physiotherapist.

Physical Therapists provide excellent up-to-date advice on what to do and what not to do in order to promote healing as quickly as possible after an injury. Every injury is different and our Physio’s at Metrotown Physio will develop a treatment plan specific to your needs.

Call us 604-430-3066 or Book Online LINK


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